

What is a basic definition of  love ? Love  is an intense, deep affection for another person.  Love  also means to feel this intense affection for someone.  Love  can also refer to a strong like for something or to like something a lot.  Love  has many other senses both as a verb and a noun. It is difficult to explain what  love  is.  Love  is one of the most intense emotions humans feel in life. It is the opposite of  hate , another incredibly intense emotion. When you would do anything for a specific person, that’s usually because you feel  love  for them. There are many kinds of deep affection you can have for another person, and they can all be described as  love . The  love  you feel for your parents won’t be the same  love  you feel for a close friend or a romantic partner. You can also have a strong emotional bond with an animal, such as your dog. That, too, is  love . Real-li...

LET TALK ABOUT Communication is important in relationships.

LET TALK ABOUT Communication is important in relationships............ ....... We need to talk openly and be good listeners . Most people can learn how to communicate more effectively. Share positive feelings about your partner with them. It is better to act early if you are having difficulties, rather than waiting for the situation to get worse. Communication is important in relationships. We need to talk openly and be good listeners. Most people can learn how to communicate more effectively. Share positive feelings about your partner with them. It is better to act early if you are having difficulties, rather than waiting for the situation to get worse. Importance of communication Good communication is an important part of all relationships and is an essential part of any healthy partnership. All relationships have ups and downs, but a healthy communication style can make it easier to deal with  conflict  and build a stronger and healthier partnership. We often hear how impor...